Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Happy New Year 2014

Well it sure has been awhile. I thought I might try to post more on my blog this year. It's a great way for me to remember what happened during the year, my memory is not what it used to be. I also would LOVE to quit smoking, if I can live with myself. Just going to take one hour at a time and see how it goes. There is always the patch to help get me over the bumps in the road. I have a wonderful husband, children and grandchildren that I want to enjoy for a long time. I will post the day I begin.

This year we have had a lot of work done around the house.  Believe me, it was time.

New windows.

Kitchen counter before

Kitchen counter after

New roof (you will just have to take my word for that. No way I'm climbing up there for a photo.

Hopefully it will be a year filled with quilting, relaxing and smokefree. Okay just trying to think positive.

Have a great day and thanks for visiting.